Inspirationally Speaking

Inspirational Speaker – Possibilities Coagulator

Zen Benefiel’s inspirational speaking engagements are a transformative experience that leave audiences enlightened, motivated, and empowered.

Zen Benefiel is a visionary author, adept in the realms of personal, professional, and organizational development. He is an ardent explorer of consciousness, delving into the depths of spirituality and metaphysics. Zen’s passion lies in uncovering buried knowledge in others, a mission he fearlessly embraces through hosting transformative “One World in a New World Apocalyptic Chats.” With a unique blend of ancient wisdom and contemporary insights, he empowers individuals to unlock their true potential and foster profound self-discovery. Zen’s work reverberates with the interconnectedness of all beings, inspiring readers to embrace mindfulness and create a harmonious, enlightened existence.

Because of his expertise and success, Zen Benefiel is a highly sought-after transformational coach and catalyst for change. With a wealth of experience and a deep passion for personal growth, Zen empowers individuals to unlock their potential and create transformative shifts in their lives. Through intuitive guidance, practical tools, and unwavering support, Zen helps clients navigate obstacles, discover their true purpose, and embrace profound transformation. With Zen as your guide, you can embark on a journey of self-discovery and unlock the doors to your fullest potential.

With his inspirational speaking, captivating presence and profound insights, Zen takes audiences on a thought-provoking journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Drawing from his vast knowledge of consciousness exploration, metaphysics, and spirituality, Zen weaves together engaging stories, practical tools, and deep wisdom, igniting a spark within each listener to embrace their own journey of transformation.

Here’s a clip of one of his interactive presentations at the annual conference for the International Association for Near-Death Studies in Denver, Colorado in 2010. It was a 35-year dream come true for him, arriving to the listening now available in the fields of near-death study, psychology and psychiatry that weren’t present at the time of his ‘awakening’ in 1975.

Zen is amazing. His insights are beyond almost anyone I’ve ever known. He is down to earth but understands that there is so much more than what meets the eye. Zen asks thought-provoking questions that make you look deep inside and bring out previously hidden truths. Zen is a leader, a dreamer, and a world changer, the best possible combination. I recommend Zen to anyone looking to know more about themselves and the universe surrounding them. If you desire to make the world a better place, jump on Zen’s bandwagon. ~ Kim Sorrelle, Author – Love Is.

I had the good fortune to host Zen Benefiel on my podcast recently and what a pleasant surprise it was. Zen is well versed in the art of living and is able to share and communicate experiences, thoughts, ideas and concepts at a level you would expect from a seasoned practitioner. One word that describes Zen is eclectic. If you are looking for someone to talk to or read, about the who, what, why, when, where and hows of life. I recommend you reach out to Zen Benefiel. ~ Robb Jarrett

15-Minute Talk Topics

Experience a series of captivating 15-minute talks led by Zen Benefiel, where inspiration and transformation await. From exploring mindfulness in a fast-paced world to unlocking your inner genius, each talk is a powerful journey into personal and professional growth. What sets these talks apart is the opportunity for engaging Q&A sessions that follow, allowing you to delve deeper into the topics, share insights, and connect with others on a profound level. Discover the power of storytelling, embrace serendipity, and learn the science of happiness as you embark on an enriching experience of empowerment and connection. Reach out to Zen to engage your community and let these unique 15-minute talks ignite your passion and guide you towards a more purpose-driven and enlightened future.

“The Power of Mindfulness: Cultivating Presence in a Distracted World”

In this enlightening talk, Zen Benefiel explores the transformative effects of mindfulness amidst today’s fast-paced and technology-driven world. Drawing from his expertise in spirituality and personal development, Zen emphasizes the importance of being fully present in each moment and highlights the benefits of incorporating mindfulness practices into daily life. He guides the audience through practical techniques to quiet the mind, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being. This talk inspires individuals to embrace mindfulness as a powerful tool for cultivating inner peace, emotional resilience, and improved focus in an increasingly distracted and busy world.

“Unleashing Your Inner Genius: Unlocking Hidden Potential Within”

Zen Benefiel delves into the fascinating realm of human potential and the untapped genius that resides within every individual. Drawing upon his background as an explorer of consciousness and seeker of wisdom, Zen shares insights on how to access and nurture one’s unique talents and gifts. Through engaging anecdotes and thought-provoking exercises, he encourages the audience to step into their creative power and embrace a growth mindset. This talk leaves attendees feeling inspired and empowered, ready to unleash their inner genius and embark on a journey of self-discovery and exponential personal growth.

“Synchronicity: Embracing the Magic of Serendipitous Moments”

Zen Benefiel mesmerizes the audience with captivating stories of synchronicity, those meaningful coincidences that seem to align with the deeper fabric of the universe. Drawing from his exploration of metaphysics and spirituality, Zen sheds light on the profound meaning and potential guidance behind these serendipitous events. By sharing practical strategies to recognize and embrace synchronicities, he invites the audience to live with heightened awareness and a sense of wonder. This talk sparks a curiosity for the interconnectedness of life’s moments and offers a fresh perspective on how to navigate the journey of life with trust and joy.

“The Path of Self-Discovery: Navigating Your Journey to Enlightenment”

In this illuminating talk, Zen Benefiel guides the audience on a profound journey of self-discovery. Drawing from his personal experiences as a spiritual seeker and writer, Zen shares valuable insights on embracing vulnerability, embracing shadow aspects, and uncovering one’s true essence. By blending elements of psychology, philosophy, and spirituality, Zen empowers the audience to embark on a transformative quest to understand themselves on a deeper level. This talk leaves attendees inspired to embark on their own path of self-discovery, ultimately leading to a more authentic, purpose-driven, and enlightened existence.

“From Adversity to Resilience: Finding Strength in Life’s Challenges”

Drawing from his life experiences and background in personal development, Zen Benefiel delivers a powerful talk on resilience and overcoming adversity. Through inspiring personal anecdotes and practical strategies, Zen illustrates how resilience can be cultivated as a valuable asset in the face of life’s challenges. He provides insights into maintaining a positive mindset, adapting to change, and bouncing back from setbacks. This talk motivates the audience to view challenges as opportunities for growth, strengthening their ability to navigate life’s ups and downs with unwavering determination and grace.

“Conscious Leadership: Integrating Spirituality in Business”

Zen Benefiel addresses a crucial topic in today’s business world by exploring the concept of conscious leadership. Drawing from his expertise in organizational development and spirituality, Zen highlights the transformative power of compassionate and mindful leadership. He shares practical strategies for fostering a positive and supportive work environment, emphasizing the value of emotional intelligence, empathy, and ethical decision-making. This talk inspires leaders to embrace conscious leadership principles, ultimately leading to enhanced team dynamics, employee well-being, and business success.

“Mindful Parenting: Fostering Emotional Intelligence in Children”

In this heartwarming talk, Zen Benefiel delves into the world of mindful parenting. As a parent and transformational coach, Zen shares valuable insights on nurturing emotional intelligence in children. He provides practical tips for promoting open communication, fostering self-awareness, and cultivating emotional resilience in young minds. Drawing from mindfulness practices, Zen empowers parents to create a loving and supportive environment that fosters the holistic development of their children. This talk leaves parents feeling inspired and equipped with tools to raise emotionally intelligent and empathetic individuals.

“Living Authentically: Embracing Your True Self and Finding Fulfillment”

Living authentically is about aligning our actions and choices with our core values, passions, and beliefs. In this enlightening talk, Zen Benefiel dives deep into the journey of self-discovery and embracing one’s true self. Drawing from his own experiences as a seeker of wisdom and personal growth, Zen inspires the audience to shed societal expectations and external masks. He encourages individuals to tap into their inner wisdom and define success on their terms, leading to a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life. This talk becomes a beacon of empowerment, igniting the audience’s desire to live authentically and embrace their unique paths towards true fulfillment and happiness.

“Finding Balance: Embracing the Wholeness of Mind, Body, and Spirit”

In our busy and demanding lives, finding balance is essential for overall well-being and happiness. Zen Benefiel’s talk on “Finding Balance” dives into the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. Drawing from his expertise in personal development and mindfulness practices, Zen shares practical strategies to create harmony in all aspects of life. He explores the importance of self-care, healthy boundaries, and time for introspection. By emphasizing the value of nurturing the whole self, Zen’s talk inspires the audience to prioritize self-care and seek balance in their physical, emotional, and spiritual dimensions, ultimately leading to greater resilience and a more fulfilling life.

“The Science of Happiness: Cultivating Joy and Well-Being in Everyday Life”

Happiness is not just a fleeting emotion; it can be cultivated through intentional practices. Zen Benefiel’s talk on “The Science of Happiness” delves into the research and principles of positive psychology. Drawing from his background as a personal development enthusiast, Zen shares evidence-based techniques to increase happiness and well-being. He guides the audience through gratitude practices, positive thinking, and fostering meaningful connections with others. By exploring the science behind happiness, Zen’s talk empowers the audience to take charge of their well-being and create a more joyful and fulfilling life.

“Harnessing the Power of Intuition: Making Decisions from the Heart”

Intuition is a powerful and often overlooked source of wisdom within us. In this insightful talk, Zen Benefiel explores the art of tapping into intuition and using it as a guide in decision-making. Drawing from his experiences as a seeker of wisdom and personal development coach, Zen shares stories of how intuition has led to profound breakthroughs and positive outcomes. He encourages the audience to trust their gut feelings and embrace the wisdom of their hearts. By learning to harness intuition, Zen’s talk inspires the audience to make more authentic and purposeful decisions, leading to a life aligned with their deepest desires and aspirations.

“Building Stronger Connections: The Art of Empathetic Communication”

Zen Benefiel explores the transformative power of empathetic communication in this insightful talk. Drawing from his background in coaching and organizational development, Zen highlights the importance of active listening, understanding different perspectives, and cultivating empathy in personal and professional relationships. Through engaging examples and practical exercises, Zen guides the audience on how to strengthen their connections with others, foster compassion, and resolve conflicts with grace. This talk encourages individuals to embrace empathetic communication as a key to building harmonious and fulfilling relationships in all aspects of life

“Thriving in Times of Change: Embracing Uncertainty with Resilience”

Change is an inevitable part of life, and thriving amidst uncertainty requires a resilient mindset. Zen Benefiel’s talk on “Thriving in Times of Change” empowers the audience to navigate transitions with grace and adaptability. Drawing from his experiences as an explorer of consciousness and transformational coach, Zen shares practical strategies to build resilience and embrace change as an opportunity for growth. He emphasizes the power of reframing challenges and maintaining a positive outlook in the face of uncertainty. This talk becomes a source of inspiration, encouraging the audience to see change as a catalyst for personal and professional development, ultimately leading to a more empowered and fulfilling life.

“The Power of Storytelling: Using Narratives to Inspire and Connect”

Change is an inevitable part of life, and thriving amidst uncertainty requires a resilient mindset. Zen Benefiel’s talk on “Thriving in Times of Change” empowers the audience to navigate transitions with grace and adaptability. Drawing from his experiences as an explorer of consciousness and transformational coach, Zen shares practical strategies to build resilience and embrace change as an opportunity for growth. He emphasizes the power of reframing challenges and maintaining a positive outlook in the face of uncertainty. This talk becomes a source of inspiration, encouraging the audience to see change as a catalyst for personal and professional development, ultimately leading to a more empowered and fulfilling life.

“Creating a Visionary Life: Manifesting Your Dreams into Reality”

A visionary life is one where dreams become reality through focused intention and inspired action. Zen Benefiel’s talk on “Creating a Visionary Life” invites the audience to explore the possibilities of manifesting their deepest desires and aspirations. Drawing from his background as an entrepreneur and seeker of wisdom, Zen shares practical steps to set goals, visualize success, and overcome limiting beliefs. He emphasizes the importance of aligning actions with purpose and creating a clear roadmap to achieve visionary goals. This talk becomes a catalyst for transformation, motivating the audience to take bold steps towards manifesting their dreams and living a life of purpose, fulfillment, and impact.


Bring a little Zen to your event

inspirational speaking, motivational speakerWhether speaking at conferences, workshops, or corporate events, Zen’s dynamic and engaging style leaves a lasting impact, inspiring individuals to tap into their inner power, question limiting beliefs, and navigate the realms of consciousness with curiosity and courage. Prepare to be uplifted, inspired, and ready to embark on a new chapter of self-discovery as Zen Benefiel shares his transformative insights and guides audiences towards a more conscious and fulfilling life.

Zen Benefiel’s inspirational speaking engagements are a profound opportunity to delve deeper into the transformative wisdom found within his acclaimed books. Drawing from his works such as “Cosmic Conundrum: Who Am I, Really?,” Zen brings his written words to life, immersing audiences in a multidimensional exploration of consciousness and self-discovery. With each speaking engagement, Zen seamlessly weaves together the teachings and experiences shared in his books, offering a captivating and immersive experience that resonates with listeners on a profound level.

Audiences not only have the privilege of hearing Zen’s empowering messages firsthand but also gain a deeper understanding of the concepts presented in his literary works. Prepare to be captivated by Zen’s dynamic presence and enriched by the synergy of his speaking engagements and the transformative insights found within his inspiring books.


Flexible to work within your budget.

Reach out for more information and availability. Thanks in advance.

If you’ve got something you believe I’d be a great fit for, please reach out. Fees are negotiable.