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Zen’s Books

Wisdom and Transformation

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Beyond Service - Next-Level Leadership for a Conscious World

In a rapidly changing world, leaders are faced with more complexity and responsibility than ever before. This book introduces next-level leadership—a holistic approach that blends regenerative practicesconscious collaborationagile thinking, and compassionate connection to guide leaders who seek not only to inspire their teams but to contribute positively to the planet.

What You’ll Discover:

  • How to cultivate mindful leadership that enhances clarity, resilience, and emotional intelligence.
  • The power of co-creation and collaborative wisdom, empowering your teams to innovate and thrive.
  • Ways to embrace systems thinking and quantum leadership for navigating complexity and uncertainty.
  • Practical strategies for aligning your organizational purpose with personal and planetary well-being.
  • Techniques to foster trust, empathy, and connection through resonant leadership, creating a thriving, inclusive culture.
Book cover of 'Beyond Service' by Zen Benefiel
Book cover of 'Stubbing My T.O.E. on Purpose'

Stubbing My T.O.E. on Purpose

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Book cover 'The Unconventional Intentionalist' with cosmic tree.

The Unconventional Conventionalist

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Book cover featuring surreal leadership and innovation imagery

Navigating Holistic Growth

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Book cover 'Awaken the Power Within' by Zen Benefiel

Awaken the Power Within

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Earth from space on podcast cover about apocalyptic discussions

One World in a New World

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Book cover for 'Near-Death of a Different Sort'

Near-Death of a Different Sort

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Cover of 'Zero to One' book by Bruce 'Zen' Benefiel


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Book cover 'The God Particle' by Bruce Zen Benefiel

The GOD Participle

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How to Grow Your Business Using LinkedIn

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Book cover for 'Cosmic Conundrum: Who Am I, Really?'

Cosmic Conundrum – Who Am I, Really?

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Colorful poster promoting global unity and collaboration

One World – Uniting Voices

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Book cover 'Zendor the Explorer: A Journey of Discovery'

Zendor the Explorer

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Person pondering life goals under a metaphorical tree.

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Co-Authored Books

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Rattled Awake

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SRO poster with rainbow and mountain at sunset

Reinventing Yourself

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Servant Leadership and the Art of Transformation

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