Who maintains the aspiration for inspiration in your organization?
Of course we want to have the best work atmosphere and the most productive employees and staff, right? Most of the time the progressive companies and organizations use one or many of the plethora of talent and team building tools.
Other companies, or rather their leadership and stakeholders, miss out on those advantages and wonder why morale and production are at far less capacity that possible. Happy people get more done with less supervision.
It is now well established that motivation does not come from external means, rather it comes from the inspiration one feels toward performing at peak levels. What is obfuscated is the notion that the inspiration is about performance.
Performance is secondary to the state of mind/body/spirit of the individual, the whole person and not just their behavior on the job. We call that a holistic system. It’s heart-centered, too.
It may be that the aspiration for inspiration is being overlooked or simply under explored in the data delivered from the variety of assessments and surveys in play. How would one, especially a human resource or company leader, capitalize on such foolish notions?
Inspiration would appear a critical piece of the new millennial business model, especially when cognitive science and quantum physics are exploring and revealing the manner in which we think and feel demonstrably affects our reality.
Is this all just fantasy or a reality we have simply been ignoring in the quest for market share and shareholder dividends? If you are curious in the slightest it may behoove you, as a leader or manager, to explore the benefits of identifying and even opportunistically utilizing the understanding of the shifts in talent development so often overlooked.
Perhaps we are at the beginning of a growing trend in human resource development. Ask your talent development professional what they think. How can you aspire to inspire your life and workplace?
Many of us know there is a place within us we all share, but that understanding is not ubiquitous, and may never be amongst the current population. That is unfortunate and may be malleable still. Inspiration is the key to moving the needle on the sustainability scale, too.
Over time and with persistence, the aspiration for inspiration may radically change. People might indeed focus on being inspired instead of completing tasks. I live and work as though it will, with faith, love and trust in the inevitability of a newly ordered world in our lifetimes.
The elements in the graphic at the top of this article are just the beginning. Conversations built around them can prove invaluable in building the community within your company or organization.
In a sense aspiration, commitment, desire, flexibility, knowledge, strategy and tools are the foundation for innovation in community building, whether it be brick and mortar, click and mortar or digital domains.
Truly, happy people get more done with less supervision through their inspiration. In fact, inspired people rise above any adversity and create opportunities where none were seen previously. Where would you like your leadership to go? Is your vision and mission aligned with purposeful passion and empowering people for the good of all?
*a combination of perception and introspection