Seek first to understand. Reach for the amazing. Do the right thing. Act as One. Live life passionately.

Ep 57 One World in a New World with Michaell Magrutsche – Author, Multimedia Artist

Posted on July 20, 2022

Ep 57 One World in a New World with Michaell Magrutsche – Author, Multimedia Artist

One World in a New World with Michaell Magrutsche – Author, Multimedia Artist

“My main goal in life is to find more of myself. This is what I apply in every part of my life, especially in all my artistic expressions. I found art is the most effective tool to achieve this. I live my life to be the best me that I can be in ever.” ~ MM

Michaell grew up on the streets of Vienna, with challenges of dyslexia and stuttering, so his view of life was imbued by curiosity yet skewed by how he was seen by others. He shares that he was lucky in that he didn’t tune out, turn to abusive behaviors, and fall prey to the sense of being ‘less than.’ Our conversation dives into the exploration of creativity. It’s another story worthy of your attention.

He explored many things as he ‘knocked on various doors’ in seeking a career and profession, and art serendipitously opened the door. He admits it took him 35 years to actually recognize he was an artist. He’d been an artist all along, though he hadn’t truly ‘owned it’ until he realized it didn’t matter whether his art was accepted by society or not.

Michaell speaks to the tactile nature of humans. We like to tinker, we like to touch things and the artistic and creative side is activated by such activity as well. He says the sad thing is that business people and leaders don’t think of themselves as being creative or being an artist in their work. Zen acknowledges that we are all creative in some way, we just don’t see ourselves as such.

The ‘prescriptive system’ that tends to manipulate populations, especially in this last period, where we went from a reasonable global economy and being able to move around the planet to suddenly being told we need to be afraid of each other. The obsession on self-hygiene and sequestration opened to the door for people to find that creative side, perhaps because that was one of the few options available. Zen’s description of the silver lining of the pandemic is quite insightful.

Further in the conversation, Michaell shares a pretty clear view of humanity’s condition and the challenges we face as a global society. He shares our systems are limited because of the few who actually management them and creativity is, or has been, a distant thought if it is considered at all. Now we’ve turned to ‘politically correct’ endeavors because we don’t really know each other, what truth is or that we’re being distracted by shiny objects rather than the value of humanity.

Curiosity is tantamount to recognizing the artistry in humanity and in nature. Michaell shares more on the subject that, perhaps with your own curiosity piqued, you’ll find great insights and reflections for how you might shift your perspective. He repeats often, ‘It’s all about perspective.’

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