One World in a New World with Lion Goodman – Founder, CEO of Clear Beliefs Institute
Lion’s journey is quite unique, exploring ESP and reincarnation in junior high and psychology in high school, trying to figure out ‘who we are.’ Inquisitive minds dive deep into the nature of reality, our beliefs about life and how grow into mature adults with sensitivity and wisdom.
Lion speaks of an early mentor/teacher who taught him about inquiry. What is the nature of human nature? What is the nature of human motivation? What is the nature of life and why are we here? Have you considered these questions and explored them further? What have you found?
Insights from Lion’s recollection were about study; anything we study, we study about ourselves in relationship to it and the world through that lens. Do we consider that insight and the subtle, yet profound, impact on our lives through the unfolding of our relationships to life, self and others?
The conversation seems almost scripted in the question, answer and discussion process. We use pattern recognition for establishing our behavior and beliefs in life. Patterns for survival are behavioral, experiential. The challenge is the clear old patterns that aren’t useful as we mature.
How does this kind of awareness, pattern recognition and more, reflect in the development of your character, personality and the life you’ve chosen to live? Can it change if necessary or are you locked into a secure place and immobile?
Lion shares a really interesting story about another gentleman he met and spent time under his tutelage. The early meeting and eventual reconnection experience is replete with a pattern some are gifted in being able to experience. Listen in for the sub-zero story.
Do you have to get shot in the head multiple times to wake up? The last question actually happened to Lion, and obviously he survived. How did he create the scenario for it to happen. Listen in to the story and much, much more in this apocalyptic chat that will truly tickle the tendrils in your brain.
These kinds of conversations are invaluable as we progress in our collective evolutionary process and re-imagine the possibilities that are right in front of us. Thanks in advance.
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Lion’s book, Creating on Purpose: The Spiritual Technology of Manifesting Through the Chakras:
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Live and Let Live Movement:
Zen’s Story….
Stubbing My T.O.E. on Purpose: